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Using ScheduleTicker

ScheduleTicker is a Java-applet and consists of a set of Java class files. These files should reside in a directory named embe/ticker. For faster loading, two archive versions of the applet are also supplied. They are called ticker.zip and ticker.cab and they reside in the embe-directory.

To insert ScheduleTicker into an HTML-document you use the <APPLET>-tag. This is how it looks:

<APPLET CODE="embe.ticker.ScheduleTicker" ARCHIVE="embe/ticker.zip" WIDTH=width HEIGHT=height>
<PARAM NAME="cabbase" VALUE="embe/ticker.cab">
The attribute CODE points to the applet file to be run. WIDTH and HEIGHT are (not surprisingly) the width and height of the applet. ARCHIVE and CABBASE point to the archive versions of the applet. There are more attributes available to the <APPLET>-tag and they can be found here.

To configure ScheduleTicker you use applet-parameters and a data file. They are both described below.

Note! Don't forget to take a look at the examples provided. Studying examples is often more instructive than just reading boring manuals.

Applet parameters

Applet parameters are placed between the <APPLET> and </APPLET> tags. The general syntax for an applet parameter is:

<PARAM NAME="name of parameter" VALUE="parameter value">

The following applet parameters can be set:

Datafile tickerdata.txt The name of the data file. The name should be given relative to the HTML-document. See below for a description of the contents of the data file.
ImagePos South The position of the images (in relation to the text). The position can be North, South, East or West.
ImageSize 50 The size of the image. If ImagePos is North or South, ImageSize will represent the height of the image. If ImagePos is East or West it will represent the width.
BGColor White The background color. Colors are specified in the same way as in HTML, i.e. with a hex string. (For example #FFFFFF = white.)
TextColor Black The color of the text.
BorderColor Black The color of the border around the applet.
FontName Helvetica Name of font to use. The following names will work fine on all platforms:
  • Helvetica - without serifs
  • TimesRoman - with serifs
  • Courier - typewriter font
You could use other names but it might not work on all platform/browser combinations.
FontStyle Plain The style of the font. Can be Plain, Bold or Italic
FontSize 12 The size of the font.
TextDelay 3000 The time, in milliseconds, between changing the texts.
ImageDelay 5000 The time, in milliseconds, between changing the images.
TextTarget _self The frame where the new page should be shown, when a text item is clicked. Use any of the following values:
  • _self - show in current window
  • _parent - show in parent window
  • _top - show in top-most window
  • _blank - show in new unnamed window
  • "newWin" - show in new window named newWin
  • "frame" - show in frame named frame
This value can be overridden by individual text items by specifying another target in the datafile (see below).
ImageTarget _self The frame where the new page should be shown, when an image item is clicked. See TextTarget for possible values.

The datafile

The datafile is a text file containing information about the texts and images to be shown. Each row in the datafile represents an item to be shown in the applet. The rows shall be in the following format:

Type of item|Time constraint|Text or URL to image|URL to go to when clicked on|Target window
Type of item
Specifies if this row is a text or image item. The value should be t for text items and i for image items.
Time constraint
This is where you specify when the item should be shown. If you don't want to specify a time constraint (i.e. the item should always be shown) just enter a *. Otherwise, the time constraint should be in this format:
Date or weekday,Start time,Run time
Date or weekday
Specifies when to start showing this item. Could be either a specific date or a day of the week. Dates should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Weekdays should be one of sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat.
Start time
The time when to start this item. The format should be HH:MM
Run time
The running time for this item, in the format HH:MM. If you want it to run forever just enter a *.
Text or URL to image
If it is a text item then you should put the text itself here. If it's an image item you enter the location of the image. The image location should be given relative to the HTML-document.
URL to go to when clicked on
An URL to show when this item is clicked. It's safe to skip this part.
Target window
The frame where the (above) URL should be shown. This value overrides the TextTarget or ImageTarget parameters for this specific item. See TextTarget for possible values. This part can also be skipped.

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Copyright © 1999 Mats Bovin.
Comments can be sent to mats-bov@dsv.su.se